Jesus as “the Alpha and Omega”

Jesus and the archangel Michael
May 6, 2017
How Christianity Banned Christ
May 6, 2017
Jesus and the archangel Michael
May 6, 2017
How Christianity Banned Christ
May 6, 2017

Jesus as “the Alpha and Omega”

By Anthony F. Buzzard

Jesus as the “alpha and omega” in Revelation means that he is the ultimate in the category under discussion. Jesus is the alpha and omega, the first and the last, who died in Revelation 1:17-18 and 2:8. God cannot die! Jesus is “the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12:2). Please note that Jesus said that the Father is the only one who is true God (John 17:3). Romans 3:29 says that the God of  the  Jews  is  the  same  as  the  God  of  the  Gentiles, showing that the Trinity is foreign to the whole Bible. See John 17:3; Neh. 9:6; 2 Kings 19:15; Isa. 37:20. Show this to all your friends: Cars do not fly; God cannot die! The Son of God, Jesus, died (Rom. 5:10).

Then show  them  a  quote  from  a  standard  theological dictionary:

“God is not just any Deity, but a  distinct divine  Person.  The  LORD  is  His  name”  (Theological Dictionary  of  the  NT,  single  volume,  p.  489).

It is an obvious contradiction of this easy evidence to  say that God is three Persons. He is one Person.

Then show them the crime scene: Basil of Caesarea (330-379 AD), one of the architects of the detail of Trinitarianism, said, “We confess on God not in number but in nature.” Jesus said nothing of the sort!

One is a number! Is that so hard? Remember too that Augustine, desperate  to  support  the  Trinity,  forged  the text in John 17:3, claiming that it should read:

“That they may  know  You  [Father]  and  Jesus  Christ,  whom  You have sent, as the only true God” (Homilies on the Gospel of  John). 

Scripture was  thus  violated  and  the  unitary monotheism of Jesus and of Israel was obscured.
