What does “God is spirit” mean?
January 13, 2022
Adam Christology: Philippians 2
January 13, 2022The seen and unseen God

It’s clear from the OT that many people actually saw the LORD God.
- Moses was allowed to see His “back”: Ex 33:23.
Prophets like:
- Ezekiel 1, the vision of the Godmobile;
- Isaiah 6, YHWH sitting on His throne;
- Micaiah similarly says he saw YHWH sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing on His right and on His left.” 2Chron 18:18;
- Amos says he saw YHWH twice in 7.7; 9.1;
But wait, some might say, didn’t God also say to Moses “no one can see Me and live.” Ex 33.20
Yet, this is found in the same Exodus account where Moses is eventually allowed to see God in part but not in full, as God Himself says.
“Then I will take my hand away, and you will see my back but not my face.” Ex 33.23
But wait again, what about the NT where John 1.18 clearly says: “No one has ever seen God.”
And Jesus himself said to the Jews: “No one has ever seen the Father.” John 6.46
And “neither have you heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape” in John 5.37.
According to Barnes’ Notes the phrase “has seen” in John 6.46 means that no one has “intimately known or perceived” God, i.e., “his nature, character, plans.”
And in John 5.37 “Jesus does not here deny that God had “appeared” in this manner, but he says they had not seen – that is, had not “paid attention to,” or “regarded,” the appearance of God. He had manifested himself, but they disregarded it, and, in particular, they had disregarded his manifestations in attestation of the Messiah.”
SImilarly when Jesus says they have never heard his voice means:
“To a Jew, The voice from heaven would have meant the approval of God; Yet this seems to have had a little effect on the multitude. Jesus implies that his hearers had not apprehended the revelation of God because they had not believed him whom the father had sent.” Expositor’s Bible Commentary, vol.9
- In the OT God was seen in part but not in full, lest you die;
- In the NT seeing, like hearing, sometimes means not being able to fully understand or obey God;
- His uniquely procreated Son is the only one who fully reveals, explains (exegets, John 1.18) God the Father.
6:45 It stands written in the Prophets, “And they shall all of them be taught by God.” Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from Him comes to me.
14:7 “If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”