Adam Christology: Philippians 2
January 13, 2022
No Need to Think There Are Two Paraclete
February 9, 2022Subordinationist “Church Fathers” and Protestants

Church historian and biblical scholar Kevin Giles in his book The Eternal Generation of the Son provides the following list:
Irenaeus, Ag. Her. 3.6: The Father is the only God and Lord who alone is God and ruler of all.”
Justin Martyr, Dial. Trypho 13.3: The Son is the “second God” worshiped “in secondary rank.”
Tertullian, Ag. Prax. 7.15: The Son “second to the Father”; the Spirit “third from God.”
Clement, First Letter Corinthians 42.1-2: “Christ is from God, and the apostles are from Christ: thus both came in proper order by the will of God.”
Origen, Cont. Cel. 5.9: The Son is “secondary in rank” and the Spirit “third rank.”
Bishop George Bull, Defenso Fidei Nicaenae: The Son “in respect to his divinity, is a degree subordinate to the Father, insomuch as he is from him.”
Bishop John Pearson, Exposition of the Creed: “The Father is greater (than the Son).”
Samuel Clarke, The Scripture-doctrine of the Trinity: The Son “is evidently subordinate to the Father, that he derives his being, attributes, and powers, from the Father, and the Father nothing from him.”
Presbyterian Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology 1:467: The Trinity summed up by “three essential facts: unity of essence, distinction in persons and subordination.”