Theodotius and Trinity Edict
November 8, 2022
Book Review: Did Calvin Murder Servetus?
November 8, 20221 John 1 Comment by Anthony Buzzard

This provides exactly the necessary commentary of John on his own gospel in John 1:1. It was the promise of life in the age to come, immortality and thus the immortality Plan which was “with God” (pros ton theon and here pros ton patera, “with the Father,” defining God as the Father, as 1300 times in the NT). Pros means “with” in John 1:1, but not “with” meaning two persons next to each other. John in his gospel uses meta and para for one person with another. Gal. 2:5 is an example of the Gospel truth “with [pros] you.” The meaning of pros there is “in your thinking,” “in the mind of.” In Heb. 2:17 (NJB) Jesus is a high priest “for their relationship to [pros] God.”
John 1:1 does not say that “the word” was the Son. There is no justification for writing “Word” instead of, correctly, “word.” “It is a common but patent misreading of the opening of John’s gospel to read it as ‘In the beginning was the Son, and the Son was with God, and the Son was God’” (Colin Brown, Ex Auditu, Vol. 7, p. 89). All English translations before the KJV in 1611 read “all things were made by it,” (Jn. 1:3) and many did not capitalize “word.”