Points against Trinitarian Texts
November 8, 2023
Church Cappadocian Fathers on Three Gods
December 6, 2023Logical Problem: Jesus is Yahweh

In The Journal of Religion American analytical philosopher Martinich conceded that Trinitarian “theologians understand that the central problem involving the mystery of the Trinity is to explain the possibility that there is one God but three persons in God without falling into contradiction.” [A. P. Martinich, “Identity and Trinity,” The Journal of Religion, Vol. 58, No. 2 (Apr., 1978), pp. 169-181]
The same contradiction is made if you say the 3 Persons are each YHWH, yet there is only 1 YHWH! That would be like saying 3x = 1x which, again, is a clear contradiction of both logic and counting! The noted Evangelical and “intellectual” Carl Henry warned his fellow Trinitarians not to fall into this trap.
“Some critics consider orthodox representations of the Trinity a mathematical monstrosity; the doctrine, they contend, is as fallacious in its claim for the three-in-one God as is the formula 3x = 1x. But this description patently distorts the doctrine. Christian theology affirms neither that three gods are one God nor that three isolated persons are one God. Rather, it affirms three eternal personal distinctions in the one God, in short, 3x in 1y. Such a formulation is both intelligible and noncontradictory.” (God Who Stands and Stays, “Muddling the Trinitarian Dispute.”)
But this does not resolve the logical problem still inherent in saying each of the 3 Persons is YHWH but there is only 1 YHWH, i.e., 3 Yahwehs = 1 Yahweh. Or, as Carl Henry warned, 3x = 1x! In an effort to side-step the contradiction of saying 3x = 1x some have adopted the language of 3 Whos in 1 What, or 3x in 1y. But the Bible never describes the one YHWH, our God of the Shema, as one What, i.e., one impersonal Nature, Substance or Essence!
The fact is no one can biblically support, let alone ever understand what many trinis concede is a “mystery,” as per their own ancient dictum:
“Try to Understand It and You’ll Lose Your Mind. Try to Deny It and You’ll LOSE YOUR SOUL!”
The Bible never even hints at such a dilemma. Instead, the scriptures plainly proclaim our God is one YHWH (Deut 6.4). Hence, Jesus praying that you may receive eternal life by knowing that the Father is “the only true God” (John 17:3).