Ignoring the words of Jesus
January 2, 2025Scriptures Vs Preexistence

The seed of the woman, Gen. 3:15;
God raiused up a prophet from the Israelites, Deut. 18:18;
He is the root/shoot out of Jesse, Isa 11:1,10;
He came into being the seed/descendant of David, Rom 1:3; cp. 2Sam 7.12; 2Tim 2:8;
He came into existence out of Mary, Gal 4:4;
The origin of Messiah, Mat 1.1,18;
He was procreated by God in the womb of Mary, Matt 1:16,20;
He was procreated in a specific “day,” Ps 2:7; cp. Heb 1:5;
He was made like humans in every way, Heb. 2:17;
He was forknown before the foundation of the world, 1Pet 1:20;
He was made high priest from among humans, Heb. 1:5
The last adam became a life-giving spirit, 1 Cor 15:45
The firstborn of every creature, Col 1:15