Traditional Trinitarian Texts
April 11, 2023
The Agent in the Gospel of John
May 23, 2023Trans-human Jesus

Following are excerts from an article on John 1:14 by Bill Schlegel under the subtitle A Trans-essence god.
I suggest Christians are being hypocritical when they condemn transgender or lesbian or gay people who claim to be a different gender than they really are. The transgender person goes through an operation and insists: “I am now female”, even though he is male. As a Trinitarian, I insisted that “God became man”. That means that one member of the tri-personal god is trans-natured. But even though “God the Word” was trans-natured, I insisted that he was still fully god and fully man! It’s all an abomination to the One God and His Messiah Jesus from Nazareth. And like transgenders and homosexuals the Trinitarian insists on changing the meanings of pronouns. Trinitarians insist that pronouns mean what they want them to mean. The gay person insists he be referred to as “she” even though he is a “he”. Likewise, the Trinitarian calls his god “he”, even though his god is “they”.
The popular Catholic conservative commentator Matt Walsh asked:
What does it mean to be a trans-woman and not a woman biologically? In what other context could you be someone, and not be someone at the exact same time?
I’d like to ask Catholics like Mr Walsh and self professed Christians a similar question:
In what other context could you preexist yourself and still be a real human at the exact same time?
This whole issue reminds me of the choice God put to Israel back in Deut 30:19a: “I have set before you life and death.”
The choice today is between what I call a trans-human Jesus of Preexistence and the real human Jesus of the NT! But unfortunately, many of your English Bible translations sometimes restrict you from choosing that real Jesus.
Take for example how most mistranslate the Greek genesis in Matt 1.1 and 18 as geneology or birth. Now, we all know what genesis means from the book of Genesis or, as some call it, the book of origins! Yet, some early scribes uncomfortable with the word genesis changed it with another Greek word gennesis (with 2 Ns). You see, for these early Christians the original text was contrary to their views of Jesus as somehow preexisting himself!
The fact is that Matthew records the origin of the Messiah and not just his conception and birth. And Mat 1.20 describes how that happened, by God begetting him, i.e., a procreation [from the Greek verb gennao].
NOTE of the almost 100 times gennaö appears throughout the New Testament, this is the only place where translators render the word as conceived.
Not surprisngly Luke 1.35 uses a form of the same Greek verb [gennomenon] to describe how the holy child, the Son of God, is procreated inside Mary’s womb! The famous Catholic scholar Raymond Brown noted how Luke 1:35 “has embarrassed many orthodox theologians” (Birth of the Messiah, pp 291, 314). And The WordStudy Dictionary adds that Matthew’s use of words “with a temporal notion” [like genesis and gennao] has long “troubled theologians.”
So here it is, I have set before you a clear cut choice:
- The trans human Jesus of Preexistence and
- The Messiah Jesus, himself human, as 1 Timothy 2:5 states:
For there is one God and one intermediary between God and humanity, Christ Jesus, himself human.