Restoration Fellowship
Restoration Fellowship is dedicated to recovering the beliefs of the first-century disciples of Jesus, the Messiah. Sound theology begins with the creed to which Jesus subscribed in Mark 12:28-29 — the creed of Israel (Deut. 6:4) — and the Gospel about the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15). Jesus commanded belief in that Gospel Message in contrast to much modern evangelism which often ignores Jesus' Message about the Kingdom of God.
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21st Century Reformation
21st Century Reformation Online brings together some of the best in videos, audios and writings focused on the pursuit of original Christianity in our time. You will read, hear and watch Bible teachings, exhortations and interviews that will both comfort and challenge us as Christians.
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Theological Conference
We urge everyone to join us in beautiful Georgia every spring for our annual Theological Conference. Do not be alarmed at that particular title. This is a gathering of fellow biblical unitarian and Gospel of the Kingdom believers, many of whom will not before have encountered each other face to face.
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Biblical Studies
To make high quality theological material available throughout the world, thus providing Bible teachers and pastors with the resources they need to spread the Gospel in their countries.
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Scattered Brethren
Almost immediately following the death of Jesus’ apostles, forces of Greek philosophy and the Eastern mystery religions began to exert their influence on the first century churches of God. Those clinging to the biblical faith became fewer and fewer in number and within just a couple of centuries they were the scattered minority.
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