Who or What was “with God”? John 1:1
January 18, 2021
According to scholars God is One Person!
January 18, 2021Grammatical Vs. Biological gender: John 1:1

Just because Logos is a Greek masculine noun, doesn’t make it a person.
Because grammatical gender should not be confused with biological gender, e.g., just because the word child in Greek is neuter doesn’t mean we’re talking about a thing, an it.
That’s why all [8?] English translations from the Greek [not the Latin Vulgate] before the 1611 KJV refer to the logos as an it and not he or him.
This understanding is still reflected in some modern-day translations and paraphrases like:
- The Amplified Bible (1965 & 1987 update);
- A Translation in the Language of the People (Williams);
- Original Aramaic NT in Plain English:
“The Word was God Himself.”
- Scholars Version (The Five Gospels), 1993;
- The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version (1992)
“The Divine word and wisdom was there with God, and it was what God was.”