Grammatical Vs. Biological gender: John 1:1
January 18, 2021
The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture: John 20:28; 1 John 5:20
February 19, 2021According to scholars God is One Person!

“The Jews, the people of God, have always considered him as one person only, that is, one in a numerical sense.” John Milton’s Last Thoughts on the Trinity, 1600s.
“The Lord our God, even the Lord, is One: eis, One Person. For there is One God, and there is none other but He: Not, no other than his Substance, but personally, no other than He. The Scripture, when it mentions the One God, or the Only God, always means the Supreme Person of the Father.” The Works of Samuel Clark, 1738.
“The OT is strictly monotheistic. God is a single personal being. The idea that a Trinity is to be found there is utterly without foundation.” L.L. Paine, A Critical History of the Evolution of Trinitarianism, 1900, p 4.
“The heart of Old Testament monotheism is found in the fact that Yahweh, i.e. the definite Person with a proper name.” Rahner, Theological Investigations: God, Christ, Mary, and Grace, 1961, p 92.
“God is always a Person and stands without a rival.” The New Bible Handbook, Manley, 1965.
“For a Jew the word God could mean one Person only.” D.E.H. Whiteley, The Theology of St. Paul, 1972, p 106.
“There is only one supreme and true God, and He is a Person.” Illustrated Bible Dictionary, 1980, p 571.
“Tertullian replaced the theos estin eis [God is one Person] by theos estin en [God is one what].” The Trinity and the Kingdom: The Doctrine of God, Jürgen Moltmann, 1980, p 138.
“Yahweh is not the brand name of a cosmic corporation. He is one God, our God, and Yahweh is his personal name.” C. J. Wright, Deuteronomy: Understanding the Bible Commentary Series, 1994.
“God is a highly resourceful and capable person.” Pinnock, Most Moved Over: A Theology of God’s Openness, 2001, p 100.
“Yahweh and God are synonyms [and] the concept of God includes the concept of person and is shaped by it.” Word Biblical Commentary on the word theos, 1982–2014.
“There was shown to Israel but one personal Jehovah.” Fessenden, A Theoretic Explanation of the Science of Sanctity, 2015.