Plural verbs used for Elohim

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Plural verbs used for Elohim

  • Let us make man, Genesis 1:26;

“It is now universally admitted that this was not what the plural meant to the original author…When angels do appear in the OT they are frequently described as men (e.g., Gen. 18:2). And in fact the use of the singular verb create in 1:27 does, in fact, suggest that God worked alone in the creation of mankind. Let us create man should therefore be regarded as a divine announcement to the heavenly court, drawing the angelic host’s attention to the master stroke of creation, man. As Job 38:4, 7 puts it: When I laid the foundation of the earth…all the sons of God shouted for joy (cf. Luke 2:13-14). Wenham, WBC, vol. 1

  • Elohim caused me to wander, Genesis 20:13;

It’s unusual that God here takes the plural verb suggesting that gods might be a better translation, and this may represent an accommodation to Abimeleks’ polytheistic outlook. But the majority of commentators see the plural verb as an anomaly. (Wenham, WBC, vol. 2, Gen 16-50)

LXX “when God called me out [exegage] of the house”

  • Elohim were revealed, Genesis 35:7;

Sarna Genesis says “possibly divine beings”.

“The Greek has a singular verb.” (Wenham, WBC, vol. 2, Gen 16-50)

LXX “God appeared [ephany] to him”

  • Elohim went, 2 Samuel 7:23;

“Their God went [plural verb] to claim a nation for himself”

Rashi takes it as a reference to God’s designated authorities, Moses and Aaron, gods. Targum Jonathan messengers of God.

LXX renders it as a singular verb with objective 3ms pronoun: “who is like your people Israel….whom God led him, to pay a ransom for him for his people.”

1 Chronicles 17:21 uses a singular verb.
